Services Extranet
The Extranet version of PubliChem contains most of the same functionalities as the PubliChem INTERNET version.
In this version, though, you manage the access of the users to the site as well as to the documents.
You always have the potential to register new clients, by yourself.
In the e-communication age, PubliChem Extranet makes it possible to publish your safety documents on the Internet while keeping control of the publication.
More and more companies use PDF documents to distribute safety data sheets. PubliChem is the best system to achieve this for yourself and certainly for your users.
Available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, your documents will be visualised and downloaded without any intervention from you and with ease of use for your users. The tracking of the activities enables you to identify who is doing what and, moreover, to communicate any new information.
The security provided by our system guarantees a high level of confidentiality of your safety data sheets while maintaining their permanent availability to the users!
The PubliChem Team